Fue Hair Transplant & Fut Hair Transplant Dubai

Hair transplant involves taking hair follicles from a donor region where it is more abundant such as the back of the head and chest and redistributing same in balding or thinning areas, an acceptor region. It is a relocation of hair from a region of plenty to an area of scarcity by using either or both Fue Hair Transplant & Fut Hair Transplant. In today’s world where modern and sophisticated techniques abound, the natural look of the hair after the transplant remains unchanged. Both Fue Hair Transplant & Fut Hair Transplant Dubai are industry approved standard techniques used by experts.

You’ll get a permanent treatment with hair transplant dubai since the donor’s hair is harvested from a region that is not sensitive to the balding process. Hair will keep its natural genetic properties even after its harvest and relocation. This translates to a lifetime treatment for our clients. It is only in rare cases that a fraction of transplanted hair may fall off.

hair treatments dubai

Types and Procedure of Hair Transplant Dubai

Montreal International Clinic adopts these two major types of hair transplant:

1. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
With the FUT method, a strip of your scalp is cut out from the back of the head and is dissected into individual grafts for transplant.

2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
The FUE method involves taking the individual follicular units or grafts one by one from the back of the head by cutting around it using a tiny specialized tool to remove them. The process is a more tedious one that needs full concentration. Our clients are usually given a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort and pain.

Similar Surgical Procedures for Fue Hair Transplant & Fut Hair Transplant

The surgical procedure remains the same in both techniques. Small incision sites are made using sharp blades and needles in the balding areas under local anesthetic. The grafts are later put into the locations where hair loss has occurred. Many of our clients are happy at how little discomfort they feel, both during and after their hair transplantation procedures. Resting on the technological developments and excellent skills of our experienced surgeons, You’ll get a natural looking hairline.

hair treatments

Why Montreal International Clinic for Fue Hair Transplant & Fut Hair Transplant

The Montreal International Clinic gives you the perfect solution for safe, permanent and affordable hair transplants and hair restoration minus the severe scarring, stitches or cuts. Our surgeons carry out the best Hair Transplant Dubai, in a way that it will restore hair to look more like your natural hair so that that no-one can identify the original hairline or grafts. The process we follow is safe, accurate and perfect.

Hair Transplantation is an artistic redistribution system that takes hair follicles from areas such as the chest or from the very back of the head and artfully transplants them into thinning or balding areas. With the availability of modern state of the art technologies, hair transplants have a very natural appearance. Ultimately, we take your hair from where you have more than you actually need, and put it where you need it most.

Hair Transplants are permanent as the donor’s hair comes from areas that are not sensitive to the balding process. The best thing about hair is that it will retain its genetic characteristics even after relocation, so for the majority of our patients, transplanted hair will last a lifetime. In some cases, a small percentage of transplanted hair may fall off as the patient ages.

We are passionate about hair transplant in Dubai, and we leave it all in the hands of our experienced and capable team of surgeons who look forward to helping you regain confidence and happiness.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Transplant Dubai

How does hair transplantation work?

The Hair Transplantation Process can be defined as surgically re-positioning the bald resistant hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding regions on the top of the head.This hair transfer process is a successful lifetime treatment because the hair follicles used from the back of the head are genetically resilient to baldness, irrespective of where they are re-positioned to. It is the ideal solution for baldness, as your own hair is re-positioned during the surgical procedure.

Will my hair transplant results look completely natural?

When hair transplantation is done accurately, it can be so natural that even your hair stylist will not be able to tell the difference. Our professionals at Montreal International Clinics possess the skills and technique to assure 100% satisfaction. Since your transplanted hair is done utilizing your own hairs, it means it will perfectly match in hair color, shape and even direction compared to the neighboring area. Once the hair starts re growing over the relocated area it will be impossible to differentiate between the transplanted and regrown hair.

How long does a hair transplant procedure take?

A hair transplant procedure at Montreal International Clinics takes typically 6-8 hours for a maximum size surgical treatment which is usually done on an outpatient basis. Most patients will arrive in the morning for hair transplantation and will have their procedure completed by late afternoon. The duration of the procedure depends on the technique chosen and on the amount of grafts required to be transplanted during the session. Thanks to our talented professionals at Montreal International Clinics, your surgery will be complete, before you know it.

What is the recovery time?

With our modern and refined micro hair transplantation procedure the incisions are small and less offensive than procedures done in the past. This results in a speedy recovery and many patients feel fine within a day or two following surgery. Like any surgery, some discomfort such as numbness and mild soreness can be expected for several days following the procedure.

Most patients return to work within just 48 hours following surgery. However, we recommend that patients employed in outdoor jobs (that includes heavy laboring) or those exposed to rain and dust, and those in risk of head traumas should take a leave of absence for one week.

Will I see immediate results?

Although results can be very quick, a little patience is required. The transplanted hairs are initially very short. In the first two weeks after the transplant is completed, a few of the transplanted hair shafts will fall out. This is a normal reaction and is called ‘shock loss’. There is no need for worry because all the hair follicles remain healthy and in place. After about two to three months the hair shafts will begin to grow again and gradually condensing up over the six to nine months.

Will I need more than one procedure to restore my hair?

The number of hair transplant procedures required to get the preferred result varies from one patient to the next and depends on the degree of hair loss. For advanced stages of hair loss a second procedure may be a recommended option. Our experts will use a graft calculator system to understand how many follicles you require to restore your hairstyle. But do not worry if you are still unsure, your initial consultation at the Montreal International Clinics will determine the best treatment plan for you.

Does transplantation cause scarring?

Scarring is a natural reaction to any surgical procedure. A highly experienced plastic surgeon knows how to make a scar virtually unnoticeable. State of the art instruments that are used, tissue management, type of incision, suture techniques and post-operative dressings, are all essential factors to accomplishing an outstanding result. Whichever hair transplant technique or procedure you decide to go for – FUE or Mega session – Montreal International Clinic’s advanced microsurgery skills will guarantee your scalp is expertly handled.

What special care do I have to observe before the surgery?

As a universal rule, a blood test is required in order to check your current health. We recommend that you avoid aspirin two weeks prior to the surgery because aspirin is known to cause bleeding. It is also important that the hair of the crown should not be too short (it should be at least 2 cm long). The day prior to the surgery, you have to wash your hair using your usual shampoo. We also recommend patients not come to the clinic on an empty stomach, and advice to have a normal diet prior to surgery.

Will a hair transplant procedure hurt?

You do not have to worry about the surgery neither during the procedure nor after thanks to modern techniques that allow us to locally anesthetize the skin without causing any pain. During the procedure, you can even listen to music or watch a movie. You will be administered with a local anesthetic before the procedure to eliminate any potential discomfort. We also supply our patients with medication to use after the surgical procedure for pain management and discomfort.

For how long does transplanted hair last?

All transplanted hair lasts for a lifetime. The transplanted hair is naturally resistant to the routine that made your original hair fall out in the first place, so it is very rare for your new hair to fall out again.Our patients are generally extremely delighted with their long-term/lifetime results, and enjoy a substantial rise in confidence and self-esteem following hair transplant surgery. We can assure that you will love the second chance given to your hair.

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